Urgent: Google Chrome download error, Unsure

14 Dec '20, 04:36 PM
Forum Forum Expert - Level 5


Since the last google chrome update, downloads are not possible, especially reports generated with the Excel template, I am using WR 7.2.18 Enterprise.

The following error occurs, which does not allow downloads, including files in wr-resource. How do you proceed to solve this?

Mixed Content: The site at 'https://app.habitanto.com/' was loaded over a secure connection, but the file at 'https://app.habitanto.com/web/wr-resource/Componentes%20Unidad%20Habitacional.xls' was redirected through an insecure connection. This file should be served over HTTPS. This download has been blocked. See https://blog.chromium.org/2020/02/protecting-users-from-insecure.html for more details.


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It also happens when any form is executed, in this case Google Chrome gives an insecure site alert

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